ppt translate hal 125-127

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Translate Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants Page 125-127

  • Memiliki seorang akuntan profesional untuk meninjau kembali jaminan kerja yang relevan atau sebaliknya menyarankan seperlunya; atau
  •  Menggunakan profesionayang bukan anggota tim jaminan untuk melakukan pelayanan non-jaminan.

 Hadiah dan Keramahan

291.158   menerima hadiah atau keramahan dari jaminan klien dapat menimbulkan ancaman kepentingan pribadi dan ancaman keakraban. Jika sebuah perusahaan atau anggota tim jaminan menerima hadiah atau keramahan,  kecuali nilai sepele dan tidak penting,  ancaman dibuat akan begitu signifikan sehingga tidak ada perlindungan yang dapat mengurangi ancaman ke tingkat yang dapat diterima. Akibatnya, sebuah perusahaan atau anggota Tim jaminan tidak akan menerima hadiah atau keramahan tersebut.

Aktual atau Terancam Litigasi

291.159 Ketika proses pengadilan berlangsung, atau muncul kemungkinan, antara perusahaan atau anggota tim jaminan dan jaminan klien, kepentingan diri sendiri dan ancaman intimidasi dibuat. Hubungan antara manajemen klien dan anggota tim penjamin harus ditandai dengan keterbukaan  lengkap dan pengungkapan penuh mengenai semua aspek dari klien operasi bisnis. Ketika perusahaan dan manajemen klien ditempatkan dalam posisi permusuhan dengan litigasi aktual atau terancam, mempengaruhi kesediaan manajemen untuk membuat  pengungkapan lengkap  kepentingan diri sendiri dan intimidasi ancaman yang dibuat. Arti penting dari ancaman yang dibuat akan tergantung pada faktor-faktor seperti :
·         Materialitas litigasi, dan
·         Apakah litigasi berkaitan dengan keterlibatan jaminan sebelumnya.
    Pentingnya ancaman akan dievaluasi dan perlindungan diterapkan ketika diperlukan untuk menghilangkan ancaman atau mengurangi  untuk tingkat yang dapat diterima. Contoh perlindungan tersebut meliputi:
·         Jika litigasi melibatkan anggota tim jaminan, menghapus individu dari tim jaminan; atau
·         Memiliki seorang profesional untuk meninjau kembali pekerjaan yang dilakukan.
  Jika pengamanan tersebut tidak mengurangi ancaman  terhadap tingkat yang dapat diterima, satu-satunya tindakan yang tepat adalah menarik diri dari, atau penurunan, keterlibatan jaminan.

   Interpretasi 2005-01 (Revisi Juli 2009 untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan dihasilkan dari proyek IESBA untuk meningkatkan kejelasan code)
   Penerapan Pasal 291 untuk Pertunangan Jaminan yang Tidak Keuangan Pernyataan Pertunangan Audit.

   Interpretasi ini memberikan panduan tentang penerapan persyaratan kebebasan yang terkandung dalam Pasal 291 untuk keterlibatan jaminan bahwa keuangan tidak perikatan dengan audit laporan.

   Penafsiran ini berfokus pada masalah aplikasi yang khusus untuk jaminan keterlibatan yang tidak perikatan audit laporan keuangan. Ada hal-hal lain tercatat di bagian 291 yang relevan  dalam pertimbangan kebebasan persyaratan untuk semua perjanjian jaminan. untuk semua perjanjian jaminan. Sebagai contoh, ayat 291.3 menyatakan bahwa evaluasi dilakukan dari setiap ancaman perusahaan memiliki alasan untuk percaya yang dibuat oleh jaringan  kepentingan perusahaan dan hubungan. Hal ini juga menyatakan bahwa ketika.

     Tim jaminan memiliki alasan untuk percaya bahwa entitas terkait seperti klien jaminan relevan dengan evaluasi kebebasan perusahaan klien, tim jaminan harus mencakup entitas yang bersangkutan  ketika mengevaluasi ancaman  terhadap kebebasan dan bila perlu menerapkan pengamanan.  Hal ini tidak secara khusus ditujukan pada penafsiran ini.

    Sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Kerangka Internasional untuk Perjanjian Jaminan dikeluarkan oleh Audit internasional dan Jaminan Dewan Standar, dalam keterlibatan jaminan, yang akuntan profesional dalam praktek umum mengungkapkan kesimpulan dirancang untuk meningkatkan tingkat kepercayaan dari pengguna dimaksudkan selain pihak yang bertanggung jawab tentang hasil evaluasi atau pengukuran dari subyek terhadap kriteria.

      Berdasarkan pernyataan perjanjianan  jaminan
     Dalam keterlibatan jaminan berbasis pernyataan, evaluasi atau pengukuran materi subjek yang dilakukan oleh pihak yang bertanggung jawab, dan subjek informasi dalam bentuk tuntutan oleh pihak yang bertanggung jawab yang dibuat tersedia untuk pengguna dituju.

     Berdasarkan pernyataan keyakinan keterlibatan kebebasan diperlukan dari pihak yang bertanggung jawab, yang bertanggung jawab atas informasi subjek dan mungkin bertanggung jawab untuk subyek.

   Dalam keterlibatan jaminan berbasis pernyataan dimana pihak yang bertanggung jawab adalah bertanggung jawab atas informasi materi pelajaran tetapi tidak materi pelajaran, kemerdekaan diperlukan dari pihak yang bertanggung jawab. Selain itu, evaluasi harus mdibuat dari setiap ancaman perusahaan memiliki alasan untuk percaya diciptakan oleh kepentingan dan hubungan antara anggota tim assurance, perusahaan, perusahaan jaringan dan pihak bertanggung jawab materi pelajaran.

Jaminan pelaporan langsung perjanjian
      Dalam laporan langsung keterlibatan jaminan, akuntan profesional dalam praktek umum langsung melakukan evaluasi atau pengukuran materi subjek atau memperoleh representasi dari pihak yang bertanggung jawab yang telah dilakukan evaluasi atau pengukuran yang tidak tersedia untuk pengguna dituju. Subjek informasi yang disediakan oleh pengguna yang dimaksudkan dalam laporan jaminan. Dalam laporan langsung keterlibatan jaminan kebebasan diperlukan dari pihak yang bertanggung jawab, yang bertanggung jawab untuk meteri pelajaran.

      Beberapa Pihak yang Bertanggung Jawab
        Dalam keterlibatan  jaminan berbasis pernyataan dan jaminan pelaporan langsung keterlibatan ada mungkin beberapa pihak yang bertanggung jawab. Misalnya, Kantor Akuntan publik dalam praktek umum mungkin akan diminta untuk memberikan jaminan pada statistik sirkulasi bulanan dari sejumlah Surat Kabar yang dimiliki secara independen. Penetapan bisa pertunangan jaminan pernyataan berdasarkan mana koran setiap langkah-langkah tersebut diedarkan dan statistik yang disajikan dalam sebuah pernyataan yang tersedia untuk pengguna dimaksudkan. Atau , tugas bisa langsung melaporkan keterlibatan jaminan, di mana tidak ada penegasan dan mungkin ada atau mungkin tidak menjadi representasi tertulis dari surat kabar.

    Dalam perjanjian, ketika menentukan apakah perlu untuk menerapkan ketentuan dalam Pasal 291 kepada setiap pihak yang bertanggung jawab, perusahaan dapat mempertimbangkan apakah minat atau hubungan antara perusahaan, atau anggota jaminan tim, dan pihak yang bertanggung jawab tertentu akan menciptakan ancaman bagi kebebasan yang tidak sepele dan tidak penting dalam konteks informasi materi pelajaran. Ini akan memperhitungkan :
a)      Materialitas informasi subyek (atau subyek) untuk dimana pihak yang bertanggung jawab tertentu bertanggung jawab, dan
b)      tingkat kepentingan publik yang terkait dengan keterlibatan.
   Jika perusahaan menentukan bahwa ancaman terhadap kebebasan yang dibuat oleh hubungan semacam itu dengan pihak bertanggung jawab tertentu akan sepele dan ngawur itu tidak mungkin diperlukan untuk menerapkan semua ketentuan-ketentuan dalam bagian ini bahwa pihak yang bertanggung jawab.

     Contoh berikut telah dikembangkan untuk menunjukkan penerapan Bagian 291. Hal ini diasumsikan bahwa klien tidak juga klien audit laporan keuangan perusahaan, atau perusahaan jaringan.

   Perusahaan yang terlibat untuk memberikan jaminan pada total cadangan minyak terbukti 10 perusahaan independen. Masing-masing perusahaan telah melakukan survey geografis dan teknik untuk menentukan cadangan mereka. Ada kriteria yang telah ditetapkan untuk menentukan kapan cadangan dapat dipertimbangkan untuk membuktikan dalam praktek umum akuntan professional akan menentukan kriteria yang cocok untuk dapat menjalin hubungan yang berkaitan.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Bisnis Tips on How To Start A Recession Proof Business At Home

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Bisnis Tips on How To Start A Recession Proof Business At Home

     With little sign that the current economic downturn is going to improve, more and more ordinary people are striking out alone and starting to run their own businesses from home. Given that the majority of working class people don’t have much disposable income, many of these new ventures are failing due to offering products or services which are simply too expensive. That’s why it’s essential to choose a business which is recession proof. They do exist, and thousands of people are taking advantage of the recession by offering affordable products and services that meet the needs of today’s demanding public. Not only this, but they are meeting this need and earning money from the comfort of their own homes.
    Even if you don’t put pen to paper, you need to think things through thoroughly to determine the best business idea. Look for gaps in the market and things which are popular but have the potential for expansion. For example, because so many people are running businesses from home, there is demand for web designers, virtual personal assistants and accounts advice. If any of these business ideas interest you, it’s never too late to go and get the qualifications that you will need to start up on your own.
When you think about your business plan you need to consider whether there are any options for growth and look to the future to see whether your business could cope with any possible changes. You need to be brutally honest with yourself and try and think analytically, although it’s also important to trust your gut instinct to a certain degree; if you have a good, positive feeling about the business then you may regret it later on if you don’t give it a try.

Promote Your Home Business
You can advertise your business for free if you use your imagination. Writing your own e-book could give credibility to your business concept. I would let potential customers and clients know that you exist and what you are offering. Use this e-book as a platform to launch your long term vision for the future. Use it to inform readers about your new products or services and showcase your abilities which will help attract customers.
Alternatively you can spend a little money and place an advertisement somewhere or hire a freelance journalist to write a piece about you and your exciting new business venture. Start off with the local press and when your business really begins to take off you can perhaps set aside additional funds for an ongoing advertising budget.

Selecting Recession Proof Businesses
Examine the talents or skills that you have. If you feel that your skills are a little rusty then you can always do a refresher style course at a local college or enrol for an online course. Once you have identified where your strengths lie, you are ready to try and start your own recession proof home enterprise.
Statistics show that franchising is on the increase so this is an area which you may consider. Look for franchise opportunities which are growing steadily such as online travel companies, web design or anything to do with the pet industry. If you have a good business brain then perhaps you could start off your own business coaching business to help other potential franchisees or entrepreneurs reach their goals.
Look out for a business which may offer additional niches which could potentially increase your earnings by allowing you to extend the products or services that you provide. For example, if you were to offer business coaching then perhaps you could also offer an auditing service where you advise clients about their taxes etc.

Tools you will need to get started
No matter what line of business you decide to branch out into you, will need access to a computer or laptop. This piece of equipment will hold all of your business details from accounts to customer details and will allow you to run your home business more efficiently. You will also need access to the internet, a cell phone and any stock which you may require in order to run your business.
You must adopt a high level of professionalism with your clients so that you come across as a business which is trustworthy and reliable. You need to be extremely focused, fairly outgoing, hard working, doggedly determined and have a keen interest in networking. Be mindful about every task which you carry out and treat every single client with the exact same level of politeness and friendliness, regardless of their own demeanour. Think of every contact that you make as a potential customer for your growing business. Practicing this ethos when running recession proof businesses will ultimately lead you to greater success.

exercise 2

TOEFL EXERCISE (SKILL 1-3 ):  Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

  1.   Nobody know when the process of glass-making was invented .

  A                             B                          C           D
            ANSWER : A is incorrect  Should its “knows”

     2. The languages of the world presents a vast array of structural similarities and differences 
                                                          A                 B                               C                        D
ANSWER : B is incorrect  Should its “present”
  1. 3.      The rise of multinationals have resulted  in the great deal of legal ambiguity because

                                                     A        B
                Multinationals can operate in so many jurisdictions.
                                          C        D
                ANSWER : A is incorrect  Should its “ Has”
  1. 4.      All of the east –west interstate highways in the united states has even numbers , while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered .

                                                               C                 D
               ANSWER :  C is incorrect  Should its “ IS”
  1. 5.      When   a massive star in the large magellanic cloud exploded  in 1987, a wave of neutrinos

                A                                                                             B
Were  detected on earth .
    C          D
  ANSWER :  C is incorrect  Should its “ was”
  1. 6.      Every open space  in the targeted   area that  has grass and a few bushes are occupied

                                                       A                            B                                    C      D
                By the white-crowned sparrow.
                    ANSWER : C is incorrect  Should its” is “

  1. 7.       Krakatao is remembered as the volcano that put so much ash into the air that sunsets

                                    A                                                    B
              around the  World was affected   for two years afterward.
                                                   C                                 D
               ANSWER : D is incorrect  Should its” AFTERWARDS”

  1. 8.      The term “ Yankee” was  originally a nickname for people from New England ,but now

              anyone from the United States  are  referred  to as  a Yankee.
                                                B       C               D
ANSWER :  B  is incorrect  Should its” IS ”.
  1. 9.      A network of small arteries ,mostly sandwiched  between the skin and the underlying

                                                                  A                                                         B
             muscles,  supply blood  to the face and scalp
                             C           D
            ANSWER : B  is incorrect  Should its” underlain”
  1. 10 .  Mesquite is  small tree in the southwest who  can  withstand the severest drought.

                           A    B                                      C                  D          
           ANSWER : C  is incorrect  Should its” which ”


KELAS    : 3EB15
NPM      : 22210084
1.       The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions..........
a.       Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
b.      For fear that they will incriminate him
c.       Because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him
d.      Fearing that he will be incriminate by it

ANSWER : A. Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
2.       Mrs. Walker has returned....
a.       A wallet back to its original owner
b.      To its original owner the wallet
c.       The wallet to its originally owner
d.      The wallet to its original owner

ANSWER : D. The wallet to its original owner

3.       The hospital owes ______ for the construction of the new wing.
a.       The government twenty million dollars
b.      For the government twenty million dollars
c.       To the government twenty million dollars
d.      Twenty million of dollars to the government
ANSWER : A. The government twenty million dollars
after the object directly “ owes” no longer need the word
4.       Sarah ____ that she could not attend classs next wek
a.       Told to her professors
b.      Said her professors
c.       Told her professors
d.      Is telling her professors
ANSWER :  C. Told her professors
5.       The Artist was asked to show some paintings at the contest because_____
a.       He painted very good
b.      They believed he painted well
c.       Of their belief that he was an good artist
d.      The judges had been told of his talents

ANSWER : A. He painted very good.( The immediate past forming a clause)
6.       If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped ,ticketed , and have to
                                            A         B                                          C                                                                                D
pay a fine
ANSWER : D. Incorrect  ( because have to pay a fine Supposed to be replaced by “ have paid a fine)
7.       Fred who usually conducts  the choir rehearsals , did not show up last night because he had
                                                                   A                                                     B                                                    C
an accident on his way to the practice
ANSWER : C .incorrect (had changed to have)

8.       A short time before her operation last month , Mrs.Carlyle dreams of her daughter who lives
  A                                                                   B                                                      C                                               D
                  ANSWER : C .incorrect (because  it should not dreams because of the word “dreamed“dreams shape now but the past  tense.)
9.       The atmosphere in andalucia is open ,warm and gives a welcome feeling to all who have the
                                           A                                                                 B                                            C                 D
good fortune to visit there

                  ANSWER: B.incorrect ( should be parallel and gives the word to be replaced give)

10.   Some of the  people were standing in the street watched the parade, while others were
A                                       B                                       C                                                       D
singing songs .

                  ANSWER : C.incorrect because “watched “changed to “watching” ((paralel structure)

Artikel bahasa inggris bisnis


Computer network is a system consisting of computers and other network devices such as cables, switch, hub, router, etc. working together to achieve a common goal. The purpose of the computer network are: – Sharing resources functions such as shared use of printers, CPU, RAM, hard drive – Communication: eg electronic mail, instant messaging, chat – Access to information: for example web browsing In order to achieve the same goal, each part of the computer network and provide service request (service). Party requesting the service is called a client (client) and that provide services called the servant (the server). This architecture is called client-server systems, and is used in almost all computer network applications. As for the classification of computer network based on the scale include: – Personal Area Network (PAN) – Campus Area Network (CAN) – Local Area Network (LAN) – Metropolitant Area Network (MAN) – Wide Area Network (WAN) – Global Area Network (GAN) Based on the function: Basically every computer network is functioning as a client and server. But there is a network that has a dedicated computer as a server and the other as a client. There is also a computer that has no special function as a server only. Therefore, based on their function there are two types of computer networks: • Client-server Network is the computer with a dedicated computer as a server. A service / service can be provided by a computer or more. An example is a domain like http://www.detik.com lots served by the web server computer. Or it could be a lot of service / services provided by a single computer. Examples are jtk.polban.ac.id server that is a multi-service computer with the mail servers, web servers, file servers, database servers and others. • Peer-to-peer Namely computer networks where each host can be a server and also a client simultaneously. For example in the file sharing between computers on the Windows Network Neighborhood Network have 5 computers (we give the name of A, B, C, D and E) that provide access rights to the files they have. At one point A to access the file share of B named data_nilai.xls and also gives access to the file soal_uas.doc C. When accessing a file from B then A serves as a client and as a give file access to C then A serves as a server. Both functions were performed by the same A network like this is called peer to peer. In some computer network topology applied in their construction. Other Anatara: star topology, topology BUS, Mesh topology, tree topology (tree), and Linear topology. In the topology of the above there are some advantages and disadvantages. Here uarain of computer network topologies mentioned above are: 1. Star topology is a form of network topologies in the form of convergence of the middle node to every node or user. Star network topology including network topology with high costs. The advantages of this network is: – Damage to one channel will affect only the channel network and the station adrift. – Including high-level security. – Resistant to traffic of a busy network. – Addition and subtraction station can be done easily. Disadvantages: – If the node was damaged, the whole network is interrupted. 2. Ring topology is a network topology point-shaped circuit, each of which is connected to two other points, thus forming a circular path to form a ring. In this topology, data communication can be disrupted if a single point impaired. FDDI networks anticipate this weakness by sending data clockwise and counterclockwise at the same time. 3. Bus topology On the bus topology, the network unjung must end with a terminator. Barrel connector can be used to expand it. This network consists of only one cable channel using BNC cables. Computers that want to connect to the network can be linked himself with all mentap Ethernet cable. Linear Bus: This layout includes the general layout. One main cable connects each node, to a single channel to access the computer with the tip end. Each node is connected to two other nodes, except the engine at one end of the cable, each of which is connected only to one other node. This topology is often found in the system client / server, where one machine on the network functioned as a file server, which means that the machine is devoted only to the distribution of data and is usually not used for processing information. Bus network installation is very simple, inexpensive and a maximum of 5-7 computers. The difficulty often faced is the possibility of data collisions because the mechanism is relatively simple network and if one node or having trouble off it will interfere with the performance and traffic throughout the network. – Excellence is the development of bus topology network or adding new workstations can be done easily without disrupting the other workstations. – Losses, fault detection and isolation is very small, high traffic density, lack of data security is assured, the speed will decrease when the number of users increases, and is required for long-distance Repeater Linear bus topology is a topology widely used in the use of Coaxial cable. By using the T-Connector (with a 50ohm terminator on the end of the network), then the computer or other network devices can be easily connected to each other. The main difficulty of using coaxial cables is difficult to measure whether the coaxial cable that is used completely matching or not. Because if you do not really measured correctly will damage the NIC (network interface card) that is used and the network performance becomes constrained, not reaching maximum capacity. This topology is also frequently used on networks with fiber optic base (which later merged with a star topology to connect with the client or node). Type connector for the BUS network consists of 1. BNC cable connector —> To connect the cable to the T connector. 2. BNC T connector —> To connect the cable to the computer. 3. Barrel BNC connector —> To connect 2 BNC cables. 4. BNC Terminators —> To mark the end of the bus topology. 4 nets or mesh topology is a kind of network topologies that implement full antarsentral relationships. The number of channels should be provided to establish this network is a central number minus 1 (n-1, n = number of central). The level of network complexity is proportional to the increased number of centrally installed. This topology is less economical but also relatively expensive in operation. Tree Network Topology 5 (tree) network topology is referred to as multilevel network topology. This topology is usually used for interconnection between different central denganhirarki. For the lower hierarchy depicted in the lower location and the top has a higher hierarchy. This type of network topology suitable for computer network systems. In tree networks, there are several levels of nodes (node). Center or a higher node level, another node can set a lower level. Data that is sent to the central node first. For example to move from computer to kekomputer node-node 3-7 as well as in the figure, the data must pass through node 3, node-5 and 6 before ending at node 7. Network Keungguluan tree model like this is, can the formation of a group that needed at any time. For example, companies can form a group consisting of terminal accounts, as well as on other groups formed for the sale terminals. The weakness is, if the node is higher then does not work, then another group who are below it eventually also became ineffective. How a tree network is slow relative to

sumber : http://datalam.wordpress.com/about/

Inducting New Employees Into Your Company

Inducting New Employees Into Your Company

Artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com - Inducting New Employees Into Your Company. New employees are the best assets of a company. New employees can advance a company's business if they can work well and can advance the company where they work. If you're looking for a way or method to introduce the existing business in your company to new employees, there are some things you can do. Here are some suggestions to introduce your company to a new employees:

The first way, to make new employees feel comfortable in your company. As a new employee, maybe they can not immediately adapt to your company. They may take time to recognize the environments in which they work. So make new employees feel comfortable in your company, so they can work comfortably.

The second way, introducing new employees to other work colleagues. Introduce them to other colleagues in their department. In this way makes them comfortable asking questions on their first day

The third way, after introductions are made, you should discuss with new employees, what you hope for. What to tell what should be done by new employees. So that later they can work well according to your wishes. If they do not know what you expect, they will not be able to meet your needs.

That simple advice for you in introducing a new employee in your company

source; http://artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com/2012/01/inducting-new-employees-into-your.html


Nama    : Dinni kurnaeni
Kelas     : 3EB15
Npm      : 22210084

EXERCIZE A: (Skills 1-2): Underline the subjects once and the verb twice. Circle the prepositional
phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentence are right (R) or wrong (W).
10. The Whales headed south for the winter.
ANSWER : The whales headed south for the winter.
                                S              VERB
the answer is Right because the sentence have one subject (the whales) and have one verb(headed).

EXERCIZE B: (Skills 1-2): Underline the subjects once and the verb twice. Circle the prepositional
phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentence are right (R) or wrong (W).

8. In a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in the account.
Answer : This sentence is wrong because it does not have a subject and verb in this sentence. and the correct sentence is
*in a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in the account ,he go to check account balances ATM.

EXERCIZE C: (Skills 1-2): Choose the letter of the word of group of words that best completes the sentence.

4. In 1867 ------- Alaska from the Russians for $7.2 million.


Answer (A) is not appropriate because indeed his sentence in the past tense forms but his upside-down position.
Answer (B) is not appropriate because Reversed position and to purchases is a invinitif.
Answer (C) is not appropriate because purchase of the verb directly so that the word is not in need of.
Answer (D) is the best answer because the sentence in the description of the past. the position is not reversed position and has a subject ( the United states) and a verb (purchased).